
Showing posts from October, 2024

Apples Of God - Proverbs 25:11

  This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Rd in Portsmouth NH 03801 . (603) 436-7736 Apples of Gold Proverbs 25:11 Our days are numbered - let us spare Our anxious hearts a needless care; 'Tis time to number out our days, And ours to give them to Thy praise.          When God puts a burden upon you, He also puts His arms underneath you.          Speak kindly today; when tomorrow comes you will be in a better practice.          "Life would be a perpetual flea hunt if a man were obliged to run down all the innuendos, inveracities, insinuations, and misrepresentation which are uttered against him."                    Henry Ward Beecher.

Great Hymns Of The Faith - I must Tell Jesus

  This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Rd in Portsmouth NH 03801 . (603) 436-7736. The bulletin is dated 10/27/2024.  Great Hymns Of The Faith "I Must Tell Jesus" Elisha A. Hoffman, 1839-1929          "I must tell Jesus: is the first confession of a penitent, and then a passionate cry for help. Rev. Elisha A. Hoffman was summoned to help a friend who was in great trouble. He tried to comfort her by telling her of the unfailing love of God. He spoke of that love which brought us into being, and follow us every step of our way. He urged her to surrender to God's mercy, and told her the help she needed could only come when she was full repentant. He prayed earnestly for her, and while he was praying she suddenly screamed, "I must tell Jesus!". His pastoral visit, spiritual instructions, and earnest prayer led to her conversion, and she became a great soul winner in the Master's service.       ...

Apples Of Gold

  This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Rd in Portsmouth NH 03801 . (603) 436-7736. The bulletin is dated 10/20/2024. Apples of God - Proverbs 25:11          "The Holy Spirit not only indwells us but He is here to empower us daily for holy and victorious living. So often we live in poverty, spiritual poverty. Yet we are rich! We have God's blessings. We have God's power. While we wait for the Lord to return we are to occupy for Him. Time is short. What we do for our Lord we must do now".                     Perry Rockwood          While Christ represents us in Heaven, we must represent Him on earth.          "I observed, easily, in my self, that if at any time Satan did more than at other times weaken my belief of scripture and the life to come, my zeal in religious duty abated with it, and I grew more in...

Great Hymns Of The Faith - "The Ninety And Nine"

  This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Rd in Portsmouth NH 03801 . (603) 436-7736. The bulletin is dated 10/20/2024.  Great Hymns Of The Faith "The Ninety And Nine" Elizabeth C. Clephane, 1830-1869.  "The Ninety and Nine" is a spiritual mosaic of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd. Elizabeth C. Clephane has woven the scripture into a poem of rare beauty. In forming the mosaic she took the scriptural descriptions of the Good Shepherd as the artisan takes the pieces of tile, putting each in its place and proper relationship, with the result of a true and perfect product.          "The Ninety and Nine" reveals depth of insight and a genius selection of material. The mosaic shows architectural beauty of design and spiritual understanding of content.          Miss Clephane wrote the hymn for children. It was published in The Children's Hour in 1868. She passed to her reward the following year. ...

Remember This Season That Loving Jesus Is Like Being A Pumpkin

  I saw this posted on Facebook and thought it was really inspiring. I am posting it here.  I am writing the above below in case someone is unable to see the above. I am also giving links to a site so one can read the Bible verses. It is linked to the King James Bible Online site. God picks you from the patch and brings you in           John 5:16   He washes all the dirt off of you           2 Corinthians 5:17 He opens you up and scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, fear, hate and greed.         Romans 6:6 He carves you a new smiling face.         Psalm 71:23 He puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see.         Matthew 5:16

The Blessings Of BIble Reading

  This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Rd in Portsmouth NH 03801 (603)436-7736. The bulletin is dated 10/13/2024. The Blessings Of Bible Reading Matthew 12:3 , 5 ; 19:4 ; 21; 16 , 42 ; 22;31        1 - Bible reading helps you get to know God                Isaiah 55:8     2 - Bible reading helps you to make less errors in life             Matthew 22:29     3 -  Bible reading shows God that you care             Psalm 14:2-4     4 - Bible reading makes you more spiritual              John 6:63     5 - Bible reading allows you to have a better fellowship with      spiritual people             James 4:4 , Amos 3:3       6 - Bible reading will ma...

Some Day The Silver Cord Will Break - Great Hymns Of The Faith

  This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Rd in Portsmouth NH 03801 (603) 436-7736. The bulletin is dated 10/13/2024. Great Hymns Of The Faith "Some Day The Silver Cord Will Break" ("Save By Grace") Fanny Crosby, 1820-1915 "I cannot see the sunset, but some day I shall see my Saviour face to face," exclaimed Fanny Crosby. This was her reply to Dr. L. W. Munhall's glowing description of the sunset, after a service of the Poughkeepsie camp meeting. Dr. Munhall, the great Methodist layman evangelist, was my traveling companion motoring from Ocean Grove, NJ, camp meeting when he told me the experience which gave birth to this hymn. Seated on the hotel porch, he painted with colorful adjectives and skillful touch to the blind Fanny Crosby, the deepening glory of the changing sunset. He depicted the roseate hues and shafting lights with accurate phrase, hoping to have her see it, even as he saw it: but she was seeing beyond ...

Provided It Be Forward

  This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Rd in Portsmouth NH 03801 . (603) 436-7736. Provided It Be Forward In exploring the interior of Africa, David Livingston met with difficulties indescribable, amid frightful scenes - the havoc wrought by war, famine, wild beasts, and worst of all, by the slave trade.          Sometimes he would preached to a thousand people, sometimes to a few, and when it was seemingly to little purpose, he would consider himself: "But for the belief that the Holy Spirit works and will work, I should give up in despair. I am a missionary, heart and soul. I am ready to go anywhere - provided it be forward. I would venture everything for Christ. Can the love of Christ not carry the missionary where the slave trade carries the trader? I shall open up a path into the interior or perish. I wish only that my exertions may be honored so far that the gospel may be preached and believed in all this dark regio...

Great Hymns Of The Faith

  This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Rd in Portsmouth NH 03801 . (603) 436-7736. The bulletin is dated 10/06/2024. Great Hymns Of The Faith          The stories of great hymns provide the inspiration behind many of the messages. Who is not blessed in hearing how God wonderfully lead one writer and another to pen the lines that have been sung throughout the years? "Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart"          Lelia N. Morris, 1862-1929          An altar service, the kneeling penitent, the praying intercessors, helping a seeking soul to find Christ, mark the unforgettable scene when "Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart" was born.          Here is drama, deeply- moving and soul stirring. The pen of playwright can adorn its sheer setting. No acting can better personalize the realism of the truth have depicted in living characters, it is God dealing with the h...