Great Hymns Of The Faith

 This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Rd in Portsmouth NH 03801. (603) 436-7736. The bulletin is dated 10/06/2024.

Great Hymns Of The Faith

        The stories of great hymns provide the inspiration behind many of the messages. Who is not blessed in hearing how God wonderfully lead one writer and another to pen the lines that have been sung throughout the years?

"Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart"
        Lelia N. Morris, 1862-1929

        An altar service, the kneeling penitent, the praying intercessors, helping a seeking soul to find Christ, mark the unforgettable scene when "Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart" was born.

        Here is drama, deeply- moving and soul stirring. The pen of playwright can adorn its sheer setting. No acting can better personalize the realism of the truth have depicted in living characters, it is God dealing with the human, the Sunday morning service, Mountain Lake Park, Maryland, camp meeting, the minister preached with apostolic fervor. His zeal for saving souls charged his message with spiritual power. His handing of his theme, "Repentance", brought many to the altar. One was a woman of culture and refinement. As she knelt and prayed, she gave evidence to give, not receive. Mrs. C. H. Morris quietly joined her at the altar, put her arms around her, and prayed with her. Mrs. Morris said, "Just now you doubting give o'er." Dr. H. L. Gilmour, song leader of the camp meeting, added another phrase, "Just now reject Him nor more". L.H. Baker, the preacher of the sermon, earnestly importuned, "Just now throw open the door." Mrs. Morris made the last appeal, "Let Jesus come into your heart.". 

        Thus was born that morning the chorus of this justly famous song. Simultaneously, and more important, a soul was born into the Kingdom. Mrs. Morris completed the hymn before the close of the camp meeting. This hymn is unique in the contribution made by the participators, and stands as a great testimony to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit through the preached Word.

        "But as many as received Him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believeth on His name". (John 1:12).


2024 / 10 / 08


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