
Showing posts from November, 2023

Jesus Others Yourself - a new way of spelling JOY?

  This is - in my opinion - is a new way of spelling joy.     The J is for Jesus. I showed this by having a cross on it. It  represents what Jesus the Christ did for us; He died on the cross  as a 'sacrificial lamb' (announced to be the Lamb of God by John the Baptist).  Jesus the Christ was born in a manger which is where a lamb would be born. It is symbolic of His purpose.     The O is for others. It is a capital letter O with part of the globe in it. It represents the world that we live in.      The last letter is a combination of an X and a stick figure. It represents ourselves.      It shows that we spell JOY by putting Jesus the Christ first, others second and ourselves last. I thought it would be clever to show it this way. I am planning on making it available on t-shirts and other things on my CafĂ© Press account (which currently has my art on it).  I will post a link to it once it is done. TomLeeM 20...

Christian; Not Perfect Just Forgiven - t-shirt idea

  This is my idea for a Christian themed t-shirt (or other things to put it on). It is not required to be perfect to be a Christian. It is not something becomes after one is a Christians. This does not mean we cannot be like Christ who is perfect, it does mean we should try to be more like Christ.  Christians are forgiven. To be a true Christian, one goes to Jesus the Christ for forgiveness. One becomes forgiven by admitting one is lost, one needs Jesus the Christ to  be saved, and one asks Jesus the Christ to forgive ones sin. When Jesus the Christ was born in a manger, He shows that he is the Lamb of God. It was through His sacrifice on the cross that we get forgiveness, It is through the blood of Jesus the Christ that we are washed clean and become acceptable to God.  Jesus the Christ became the ultimate Lamb of God. The lamb that was sacrificed at the Temple only lasted  a year and had to be renewed. With Jesus the Christ, He died only once and forever. This...

Christian T-Shirt Idea - 'Don't Go There' .

  I have some ideas for t-shirts that delivers a message. One of those ideas is one that made to discuss about not going to hell. This is my design for starting a conversation of not going to hell or 'don't go there' with the word 'Hell' above it. It is not a complicated design  but a simple one that I created using the paint program in Windows. The red and orange are the  flames of hell.  When I was young, I would tease people. Often the result of them saying 'don't go there'. It had nothing to do with going to hell or heaven. Years later,  it made me think of a place where people should not go. That place is hell.  The Bible describes hell has a place of torment  and a place where of eternal burning. It is a  place that the worm never dies. It is - according  to the Bible - a place to avoid. I will do another blog on hell and what the Bible says about it. I am planning on uploading this design (plus others) to my CafĂ© Press account. I...

My New Christian Flag?

  New Christian Flag.  Here is one version of my Christian flag. It has the Greek fish - whose initials (IIRC) are the initials of Jesus; Jesus, Christ, Son of God, Savior. It has two blue stripes similar to the flag of Israel. I did this since Jesus the Christ is of Israel and a  descendant of David (beginning of the Gospel of Matthew).  This is similar to the other but with the blue strip forming a border around the Greek fish. I think the first one was a little too much like the flag of Israel. I wanted to keep the blue stripe but did it in a  different manor.  I know there was no need for a 'new' Christian flag but it is something of a 'design study' and something I just thought of doing.  I like designing things and this is just one of my ideas.  TomLeeM 2023 / 11 / 25

Power of Positive Thinking and the BIble?

  Philippians 4:8 KJV copied from the King James Online Bible (link above) “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things  are  honest, whatsoever things  are  just, whatsoever things  are  pure, whatsoever things  are  lovely, whatsoever things  are  of good report; if  there be  any virtue, and if  there be  any praise, think on these things.” I think the Bible shows the power of positive thinking with the above scripture.  1 Whatsoever things are true;     It shows that we are to think on things that are      true. I believe it excludes things that are false or     untrue. This doesn't mean we believe everything     but look 'on the bright side' instead of the 'dark     side'.  2 Whatsoever things are honest;     Literally opposite of dishonest. We need to think      on things that are honest. The world...

Parable of the Sower - Bible Study

the image above is from the site Of Soils and Souls. they have an article on the Parable of the Sower titled ' Of Soils and Sowers; The Parable of the Sower ' I think it is an interesting read. Bible References for the Parable of the Sower. Matthew 13 (KJV) . Mark 4 (KJV) .  Luke 8 (KJV) .  Matthew 13 (KJV) - The Different Grounds I chose this chapter of the Bible. One can read the other books that have reference to this parable by clicking on the link above (links to the Online King James Bible site). There are other versions of these verses from other Bible translations one can look up (do a search using Bible Parable of the Sower and enter ones chosen version of the Bible).  The types of grounds is representative of the different ways people study the Bible. Each ground determines how we study God's Word.  I believe the farmer - even in Bible times - would know about these types of ground and the results that is mentioned. What is true then is also true now. ...

Parable of the Sower - Salvation

  the image above is from the site Of Soils and Souls. they have an article on the Parable of the Sower titled ' Of Soils and Sowers; The Parable of the Sower ' I think it is an interesting read. Bible References for the Parable of the Sower. Matthew 13 (KJV) . Mark 4 (KJV) .  Luke 8 (KJV) .  Matthew 13 (KJV) - The Different Grounds I chose this chapter of the Bible. One can read the other books that have reference to this parable by clicking on the link above (links to the Online King James Bible site). There are other versions of these verses from other Bible translations one can look up (do a search using Bible Parable of the Sower and enter ones chosen version of the Bible).  The types of grounds is representative of the different ways people hear the message of the gospel. How it is received determines the outcome of the hearing.  I believe the farmer - even in Bible times - would know about these types of ground and the results that is mentioned. What is t...