My New Christian Flag?
New Christian Flag.
Here is one version of my Christian flag.
It has the Greek fish - whose initials (IIRC)
are the initials of Jesus; Jesus, Christ,
Son of God, Savior. It has two blue stripes
similar to the flag of Israel. I did this since
Jesus the Christ is of Israel and a
descendant of David (beginning of the Gospel
of Matthew).
This is similar to the other but with the
blue strip forming a border around the
Greek fish. I think the first one was a little
too much like the flag of Israel. I wanted
to keep the blue stripe but did it in a
different manor.
I know there was no need for a 'new' Christian
flag but it is something of a 'design study' and
something I just thought of doing. I like designing
things and this is just one of my ideas.
2023 / 11 / 25
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