Christian; Not Perfect Just Forgiven - t-shirt idea


This is my idea for a Christian themed t-shirt
(or other things to put it on).

It is not required to be perfect to be a Christian.
It is not something becomes after one is a Christians.
This does not mean we cannot be like Christ who is perfect,
it does mean we should try to be more like Christ. 

Christians are forgiven. To be a true Christian, one goes to
Jesus the Christ for forgiveness. One becomes forgiven by
admitting one is lost, one needs Jesus the Christ to 
be saved, and one asks Jesus the Christ to forgive
ones sin.

When Jesus the Christ was born in a manger, He shows
that he is the Lamb of God. It was through His sacrifice on the
cross that we get forgiveness, It is through the blood of Jesus
the Christ that we are washed clean and become
acceptable to God. 

Jesus the Christ became the ultimate Lamb of God.
The lamb that was sacrificed at the Temple only lasted 
a year and had to be renewed. With Jesus the Christ,
He died only once and forever. This is why the Temple
curtain was ripped from top to bottom. It is how
we have access directly to God. 

I am planning (one day) to put this design
on my Café Press account. I will return with 
a link to it so people (those who are interested in it),
would be able to purchase it. 


2023 / 11 / 29


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