The Rainbow and God's Promise
The rainbow (or bow as is stated in the Bible) is God's promise to never to destroy the earth by flood. The above shows the scripture where this is found; Genesis 9:13.
It is unfortunate that the rainbow has a different meaning now but it was first used by God to symbolize His promise never to flood the earth again.
I created the above design as a way to show the promise and the Bible verse that it is in. I made it curved since rainbows are curved and not really straight (like in some uses). I thought I would have it on things that combine the rainbow and the verse. I put them on things; things that that one can get at my Café Press page (link above).
It is a simple design. I created with the Paint program in Microsoft Windows.
The site is not perfect. I am still working on it.
2024 / 04 / 29
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