
Showing posts from February, 2021

Reading The Holy Bible - Going To The Source Instead of Taking Others People Word On It.

I think it is important to read the Holy bible instead of taking others people for what it does or doesn't say. There are things that people say that is in the Bible that isn't and things that people thought wasn't in the Bible but is.  I got this photo from another site but I don't remember which. With the Bible in so many translations one has a choice of reading it in ones language. I believe the American Bible Society  is a great resource for Bibles.  I have found the Christian Book Distributers is a great resource for Bibles and many other Christian related items. Here is their section on Bibles .  I have found that one can get the Bible in e-book form and as an app for ones cell phone / tablet computer. I have found both and use both on my tablet computer and my e-book readers. I suggested one can find the Bible in ones own language online using ones phone (one person I suggested it to found it in his native language).  I think it is interesting that the f...

Tour of Old South Presbyterian Church, with an emphasis on George Whitefield

 Here is - I am not sure I posted this before but I will post it again even if I did - a virtual tour of the Old South Presbyterian Church in Newburyport MA. It was done by my brother, Jerry Allen Mullins. I might be biased in saying that he did a great job but I am going to say it anyway. He put a lot of work into creating it and putting it together and uploading it. The link to the YouTube video is just below.  Tour of Old South Presbyterian Church, with an emphasis on George Whitefield .  Here is the Old South Presbyterian Church from the front. There is a building behind it that is attached to this building. The building dates back to before the revolutionary war. It has a lot of history.  Here is the auditorium of the church building. It has changed from when it was built back before the revolutionary war but not a lot has changed. It is neat touring it. Hopefully there will come a time where one can get a tour but the virtual tour is a great stand in for actual...

Roman's Road to Salvation!

This group of scripture is called Romans Road since all of the scripture is from the book of Romans in the Holy Bible and it is a 'road' to salvation / a way to get to God. Man's sin separates us from God and Jesus the Christ is the link between us. These scripture show that link and how to get it I have preached about God's love. I have never been a 'long winded' preacher and my sermons were never really that long. I would rather have a short sermon that is remembered than a long one that is soon forgotten.   Romans 3:23   23   For   all  have  sinned ,  and  come  short  of the  glory  of  God; This verse shows that all have sinned. It shows that no one is exempt from being a sinner. It is because of that we are not able to meet the glory of God. We - as sinners - are not able to meet God's standard; falling short of it.  Romans 6:23   23   For  the  wages  of  sin  is  d...