Tour of Old South Presbyterian Church, with an emphasis on George Whitefield

 Here is - I am not sure I posted this before but I will post it again even if I did - a virtual tour of the Old South Presbyterian Church in Newburyport MA. It was done by my brother, Jerry Allen Mullins. I might be biased in saying that he did a great job but I am going to say it anyway. He put a lot of work into creating it and putting it together and uploading it. The link to the YouTube video is just below. 

Tour of Old South Presbyterian Church, with an emphasis on George Whitefield

Here is the Old South Presbyterian Church from the front. There is a building behind it that is attached to this building. The building dates back to before the revolutionary war. It has a lot of history. 

Here is the auditorium of the church building. It has changed from when it was built back before the revolutionary war but not a lot has changed. It is neat touring it. Hopefully there will come a time where one can get a tour but the virtual tour is a great stand in for actually being there (not as good as being there but almost as good till one can actually get the tour). If one is unable to get there even when it is open (perhaps too far to travel but one still wants to see it , or other reasons), a virtual tour is a good way to experience it. 


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