Reading The Holy Bible - Going To The Source Instead of Taking Others People Word On It.

I think it is important to read the Holy bible instead of taking others people for what it does or doesn't say. There are things that people say that is in the Bible that isn't and things that people thought wasn't in the Bible but is. 

I got this photo from another site but I don't remember which.

With the Bible in so many translations one has a choice of reading it in ones language. I believe the American Bible Society is a great resource for Bibles. 

I have found the Christian Book Distributers is a great resource for Bibles and many other Christian related items. Here is their section on Bibles

I have found that one can get the Bible in e-book form and as an app for ones cell phone / tablet computer. I have found both and use both on my tablet computer and my e-book readers. I suggested one can find the Bible in ones own language online using ones phone (one person I suggested it to found it in his native language). 

I think it is interesting that the first printed book was the Bible (I believe it was the Gutenberg Bible) and the first e-book was also the Bible (I have seen a e-book of the bible by Franklin). I have not really done any research on it but it does sound cool.


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