Roman's Road to Salvation!

This group of scripture is called Romans Road since all of the scripture is from the book of Romans in the Holy Bible and it is a 'road' to salvation / a way to get to God. Man's sin separates us from God and Jesus the Christ is the link between us. These scripture show that link and how to get it

I have preached about God's love. I have never been a 'long winded' preacher and my sermons were never really that long. I would rather have a short sermon that is remembered than a long one that is soon forgotten.  

Romans 3:23 

23 For all have sinnedand come short of the glory of God;

This verse shows that all have sinned. It shows that no one is exempt from being a sinner. It is because of that we are not able to meet the glory of God. We - as sinners - are not able to meet God's standard; falling short of it. 

Romans 6:23

 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Since we are sinners (sinned against God), we have earned the wages of sin; which is death. It is not a physical death but an eternal one where we are separated from God. 

This does not mean there isn't a way to get to God. It means God has given us a way to come to him. That gift is Jesus Christ. He is the gift that bridges the gap between mankind and God. 

Romans 5:8

8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

God commanded His love toward us while we were yet sinners. God provided a way to Him through His son Jesus Christ. Christ died on the cross in our place. This does not mean we won't die some day but the death would be a physical one and not an eternal one. 

Romans 10:9-10

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

This shows us how we can save ourselves. It is by confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart that Jesus the Christ died for you and that He isn't a dead leader but a risen savior. 

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

It is more than just saying you believe but believing the heart. It is believing that is unto righteousness and saying that you believe that we are brought unto salvation; the way to salvation. 

Romans 10:13 

13 For* whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

It is not maybe or hope to be saved but a surety which is why is says 'shall be saved'.

What keeps many lost is they have a head knowledge but not a heart knowledge. 

Some might say this might be too simplistic but I don't believe getting to God is complicated since God provided a way that any can understand. It is a shame so many reject God's offer even when it is a gift; something one doesn't earn / work for but is given freely. 

I forgot where I copied this from. It also shows the Romans Road To Salvation. I am not sure how easy it is to read. I have a New Testament with a folded paper with this as part of it; it was taped to the inside front cover. It had other similar verses in it for other things (will look for a link for it). 

The links with the scripture above are connected to / linked to and copied from Bible Study Tools. One can compare scripture with different versions of the English translation plus other resources. The scripture is copied from the same site and is the King James Version (I like the best, but I also read other versions; for comparison). 

There are so many Bibles out there. I prefer the King James Version but I also read the New King James Version. I read there are 450 English translations of the Bible; partial or whole - with some being better than others. The Bible is also translated into more languages than any other book around. 

I will blog more about Bibles on a different blog. There are so many ways to read it and so many translations to read it in; huge number in different languages and versions. One just has to look. 

Thomas Lee Mullins 

I graduated from Baptist Bible College East (now called Boston Baptist College but it will always be BBCEast to me) in Boston MA. I also spent two years at Baptist Bible College in Springfield MO. 

TomLeeM at Cafe Press.


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