Great Hymns Of The Faith - At Calvary

 This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Road in Portsmouth NH 03801. (603) 436-7736. The bulletin is dated January 26th, 2025. 


Great Hymns Of The Faith

At Calvary

        Calvary, meaning "the place of the skull", is a place that everyone has heard about and that thousands of Holy Land tourists visit every year. But the significance of the events that took place on this hill nearly two thousand years ago are often not truly realized by many of those who merely view its location. "At Calvary" focuses our attention on the wondrous mercy and grace that Christ demonstrated through His death on the cross. The hymn exalts our Lord for conquering sin and death and bringing salvation to all who will accept Him as redeemer and Lord. The "might gulf" between God and man was bridged with Christ's sacrificial atonement at Calvary. 

        William R. Newell was a noted evangelist, Bible teacher, and later assistant superintendent at the Moody Bible Institute. One day on his way to teach a class, he was meditating about Christ's suffering at Calvary and all that it meant to him as a lost sinner. These thought so impressed themselves on his mind that he stepped into an empty classroom and quickly scribbles down the lines of this hymn on the back of an envelope, Daniel B. Towner, music director at the institute and showed him the text he had just written, suggesting that Towner try composing music for it. An hour later as Newell returned from class, Dr. owner presented him with the melody and they sang their completed hymn together.

        Following its publication in 1895, Christians everywhere have used this hymn enthusiastically to rejoice in the "riches of God's grace" made available "At Calvary".

2025 / 01 / 28


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