The Same Gospel For The Same Needs

 This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Rd in Portsmouth NH 03801. (603) 436-7736. The bulletin is dated 09/15/2024. 

The Same Gospel For The Same Needs
by Mrs. Jonathan Goforth

        Some months after our arrival in China, an old experienced missionary came to my husband with the following advice: Do not attempt to speak of Jesus the first time on preaching to a heathen audience. The Chinese have a prejudice against the name of Jesus. Confirm your efforts to demolishing the false gods; and if you have a second opportunity you may bring in Jesus.

        Later, when telling me of the advice that had been given him, my husband exclaimed with hot emphasis, "Never, Never, Never! The gospel which saved the down and out in the slums of Toronto is the same gospel that must save Chinese sinners."

        Years later, more than one missionary came to my husband asking, "What is the secret of your power to get men out of such depths of sin?". The reply was, "I simply believe and touch God's word." Some have replied, "But you cannot preach to a proud Confucian scholar the same as to the common crowd." Then Dr. Goforth would answer, "There is no royal road to God. Rich or poor, Chinese or Canadians, educated or ignorant, all are sinners and much needs come to the same Saviour by the same road.".

        "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek". (Romans 1:16)

        "Allow no body to live in your family whose sentiments, habits, manners or temper may corrupt your children."
                            Charles G Finney

        Will the church that bows down and compromises succeed? Of course, it will. It is the vey thing that the natural man wants, but it is the lure of a wrong road to the Kingdom. Beware of putting anything sweet and winsome in the front of the One who suffered in Gethsemane." 
                            Oswald Chambers.

2024 / 09 / 20


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