Stir Me Lord and Amen Corner

 This is copied from the bulletin from Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Rd in Portsmouth NH 03801. (603) 436-7736 The bulletin is dated 09/08/2024. 

Stir Me Lord

Stir me, Lord, that I may see beyond my selfish greed to those for whom the Savior died. 

A word in desperate need. 

Stir me, Lord, that I may hear above the noisy dim the pleading voice of those who need salvation from their sin.

Stir me, Lord, oh, stir me! Till my heart I find compassion like unto thine own, embracing all mankind

Amen Corner

        We do not object to truth; there is no truth that can disturb Christianity; I am not afraid that any truth will ever be discovered that will disturb Christianity. Why? Because God stands back of all truth; therefore, we whether truth is revealed by God's Word or by nature, no two truths can conflict.
                T. Dewitt Talmage

When the power of prayer, the power of the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit are at work, revival is at hand.


2024 / 09 / 14


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