Great Hymns Of The Faith

 This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Road in Portsmouth NH 03801. (603) 436-7736 . The bulletin is dated 09/29/2024.

Great Hymns Of The Faith
        The stories of great hymns provide the inspiration behind many of the messages. Who is not blessed in hearing how God wonderfully lead one writer and another to pen the lines that have been sung throughout the years?

"What A Friend'
Joseph Scriven, 1819-1886
        Joseph Scriven came to Canada in 1845 and lived here until his death at the age of sixty-six years. His consecration of his life to Christ was the result of a terrible grief which befell him in his earliest years. The young lady to whom he was engaged accidentally drowned on the eve of their wedding day.

        Mr. Scriven wrote his famous hymn, "What a Friend", at at time of very special sorrow to bring comfort to his mother. It was never  intended that a eye but hers should see it. He told a neighbor, "The Lord and I did it between us." What a blessing it has been to multitudes. It still remains one of the favorite hymns of young and old alike.
        "... there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother".
                    (Proverbs 18:24).

He Leadeth Me! O Blessed Thought"
Joseph Henry Gilmore, 1834-1918
        Dr. Joseph H. Gilmore, the son of a governor of New Hampshire, began his career as a pastor of a Baptist church.

        In 1862, the year of his ordination, he was visiting in Philadelphia and conducted the Wednesday evening prayer meeting in the First  Baptist Church of that city. He took for his subject the twenty-third Psalm, the most beloved hymn for the world's first hymn book, the Bible.

        After the meeting Doctor Gilmore wrote this hymn on the text, "..he leadeth me beside still waters. " It came as a result of a conversation in the home he was visiting that evening on the theme of the prayer meeting.

        Of that occasion Dr. Gilmore says, "I handed it to my wife and thought no more of it. She sent it, without my knowledge, to the Watchman and Recorder. Three years later I went to Rochester to preach  for the Second Baptist Church. On entering the chapel, I took up a hymn book, thinking "I wonder what they sing?". The book opened at "He Leadeth Me!" and that was the first time I knew my hymn had found a place among the songs of the church. 

2024 / 09 / 30


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