Facts About Facts

 This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Rd in Portsmouth NH 03801 - (603) 436-7736. The bulletin is dated 08/04/2024.

Facts About Facts
by A. L. Seifert

Did you know?

That William Penn wrote a single religious tract that freed a total of 12,000 Quakers imprisoned for Christ's sake?

That John Wesley organized 160 tract distributors in 1757 which literally reformed the Lord's Day habits of the entire city of London?

That Martin Luther wrote more than one tract booklet or book for every working week of his life?

That Dwight L Moody began his fruitful evangelistic ministry in Chicago by the simple act of distributing tracts in Great Lakes seamen? 

Than Benjamin Franklin wrote and printed tracts of several early American evangelists, including those of George Whitefield?

That John Wanamaker, while postmaster general of the United States, carefully selected gospel tracts for distribution to those with whom he came in contact? 

That almost every foreign mission field in the world was opened by missionaries who first used tracts to win the heathen to Christ?

That every phase of the great Protestant Reformation in Europe was preceded by the immense tract effort that almost turned the world upside down? (Acts 17:6).

That among the most precious items of cargo on the Mayflower on her first trip to America were Pastor Joh Robinson's tracts?

That a son of one of the chiefs of Burdwan, India, was converted by a single tract and that he was instrumental in winning 1,500 natives to Christ?

Apples Of Gold Proverbs 25:11

"God word is meant to be bread for our daily use, not cupcakes for special occasions.

The devil does not care how much good we plan to do, provided we do not do it today.

A soldier was once brought by his superior officer into the presence of Alexander the Great. The officer said, "This man is guilty of breaking the law again and again. What shall we do with him? His name, too, is Alexander." Looking at the soldier, Alexander said, "Man, either change your name or change your behavior."

"If our lives are in harmony with the world, they are out of harmony with God."
            W. P. Loveless

"Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it."
            William Penn

2024 / 08 / 16


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