The Powerful Word

 This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Rd in Portsmouth NH 03801. The bulletin is dated 07/28/2024. 

The Powerful Word

        Charles Chiniquy of St. Anne, Illinois, was very devout, but his soul was filled with unrest. Like Luther in his days as a monk, he made strenuous efforts but he had no assurance of salvation.

        As father Chiniquy read his Bible one Saturday night, he was converted and transformed as he read Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

        The next morning he told his congregation of his spiritual dissatisfaction and of his conversion, and urged them also to 'accept the gift and love of the Giver.". Many of them did.

Roman Roads To Salavation

1 Romans 3:23 All Have Sinned

2 Romans 6:23 The Wages Of Sin

3 Romans 6:23 God's Free Gift

Romans 10:9 Confess Jesus Is Lord

    This site has more detail. 

2024 / 07 / 29 



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