Our God Of The Impossible

 This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church on 472 Ocean Rd in Portsmouth NH. The bulletin is dated 06/30/2024. 

Our God Of The Impossible
by Mrs. Jonathan Goforth

        My husband had just gone to hold revival meetings in a distant province, and while he was away, I went with my Bible women to a certain outstation at the urgent request of the Christians. The four days there were enough to wear out the strongest; for many hours daily, we had to face unruly crowds coming and going: and at the end of our stay I turned my face homeward utterly worn out. My one thought was to get to Wei Hwei, our next station, for a few days rest with my youngest children, who were attending school there. The sight of them, I knew, would recover my energies better than anything else.

        But in getting home, I, in some way, had lost the key of the money drawer. It was Friday, and the train for Wei Hwei left on Saturday at ten o'clock. .. There was too much money in the drawer for me to leave with the key lying around somewhere: besides, I myself could not go without money.

        After hunting for two hours, until I was too exhausted to hunt any more, I suddenly thought, I have never prayed about it. I lifted my heart to the Lord, "Oh, Lord, You know how much I need a rest; You know how much I long to see the children: pity me, and lead me to the key."

        Then without wasting a step, I walked through the dining room, hall, and women's guest room into my husband's study, to the bookcase (which coves one side of the room), opened the door, slipped two books aside, there was the key. So near did the Lord seem at that moment that I could almost feel His bodily presence. It was not that I remembered putting the key there, but He led me there.

        Yes, I know God answers prayers.

"When a man's chief business is to serve and please the Lord, all his circumstances become his servants"
                    George Whitefield

2024 / 07 / 01


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