Today's World

 This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church - 472 Ocean Rd Portsmouth NH. The bulletin is dated 06/02/20

Today's World

        We are living in a very interesting and tumultuous times. As we are look out upon the world's scene, we cannot help but realize afresh that we are living in the Days of Noah and Lot. (Luke 17:26-30), the day before our Lord's return. What should our attitude be? We cannot look around us. We cannot look inward to ourselves. We MUST have the UPWARD look, "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.." (Hebrews 12:2). Even in this present time of war and distress in the world, we can be filled with the peace of God; for we know that He is in control and has revealed what He wants us to know in His World. 

        When we consider the war in the Middle East, what does the Bible have to say about God's plan for the Jews? Although our Heavenly Father loves all the people of the world, the Jews are His chosen nation whom He loves in a special way. "And ye shall be holy unto me: for I the Lord am holy, and have severed you from other  people, that ye should be mine." 
(Leviticus 20:26). We, too, are to love the dear Jewish people and pray for them. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee" (Psalm 122:6). We are to pray for the leaders of our country, asking God to help them to stand with Israel, for He has promised to bless all who do so. 
        We ask, who really owns Palestine? We read tin 
Genesis 13:15, that God gave this land to Abraham and his descendants. 

        "For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to they seed for ever." The Jews have been scattered all around the world. Why don't they occupy the land now? The reason is that God's promise to them was a conditional one; it depended on their obedience to Him / will full restore His people back to their own land, even while they are still in unbelief. See

        Will the Jews as a nation ever know true peace? In the Millennial Age, Our Savior, the Prince of Peace, will reign in righteousness for 1,000 years.

        In that day there will be peace for the Jews, and for all people. Although Satan will be around during this time, it is tragic that there will be still those who choose to reject Christ. At the end of the Millennial after being unbound for a short time, Satan and his followers will be cast into the lake of fire  - the final hell where they be torment forever. All the unsaved dead "death and hell", will then raised up and judged by God before being cast into the lake of fires also 
(Revelation 20:10-15). But all those who have believed n the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation will live with Him forever in Heaven.

        After the Millennium, time will end and eternity will begin. God has dealt with sin and now will make everything new, including a new heaven and a new earth 
(2 Peter 3:12-13).  We read about the holy city, the new Jerusalem which will descend down from Heaven.
(Revelation 21:1-4, 10-22). Redeemed ones throughout all ages, and from all nations will praise the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb for ever and ever!

        How can we ever thank God enough for His Word and for His marvelous plan of salvation? We can praise Him right now as we do all we can to win souls for our Lord.

2024 / 06 / 05


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