Genesis & Revelation

 This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church of Portsmouth NH. The bulletin is dated April 14, 2024.

Genesis & Revelation
    by H. A. Ironside

        People often speak of the book of Revelations. There is no such book in the Bible. It is the Revelation - one blessed continuous manifestation of God's unique Son, the Anointed Prophet, Priest, and King. Revelation is the crowing book book of the Bible. It is like the headstone of Zechariah 4:7 that completes and crowns the whole wonderous pyramid of truth.
        Of this vast pyramid, the Pentateuch of Moses forms the broad, solid foundation. Upon this is built the covenant history. Then the Psalms and poetical books. Then there is the prophetic series of the Old Testament. Higher up we have the Gospels and the Acts. Then the Epistles with their deep spiritual instruction; and to complete the glorious structure, this last, solemn but exceedingly precious book, the Revelation - linking all the rest with the soon-to-be-manifested glory of God.
        Or if you think of Holy Scripture as forming a great golden circle of truth, we start with Genesis, the book of beginnings, and go on through the Testaments until we come to Revelation - the book of the last things; and lo, we find it dovetails exactly in the book of Genesis and thus perfects the inspired ring! The Word of God is one absolutely perfect, unbroken and unbreakable circle.
        A comparison of Genesis and Revelation will readily make this plain and show how we have the types in Genesis and the completion of the truth in Revelation - in one book the beginning, in the other consummation.
        Genesis gives us the creation of the heavens and the earth. Revelation presents a new heaven and a new earth.
        Genesis shows us the earthly paradise with the tree of life and the river of blessing lost through sin. Revelation gives us the paradise of God with the tree of life and the pure rive of water of life proceeding out of the throne of God and the Lamb - paradise regained through Christ's atonement.
        In Genesis we see the first man and his wife set over all of God's creation. In Revelation we behold the second man and His bride ruling over a redeemed world.
        In Genesis we are told of the first typical sacrificial lamb. In Revelation the Lamb once slain in the midst of the throne.
        In Genesis we learn of the beginning of sin, when the serpent first entered the Garden of Eden to beguile Adam and Eve with his sophistries. In Revelation that old serpent called the Devil and Satan is cast into the lake of fire.
        In Genesis we have first murderer, the first rebel, the first drunkard, etc. In Revelation all such who refuse to accept God's grace in Christ Jesus are banished from His presence.
        In Genesis we view the rise of Babel, or Babylon. In Revelation we are called to contemplate its doom.
        In Genesis we see man's city; in Revelation the city of God.
        In Genesis shows us how sorrow, death, pain and tears are inevitable accomplishments of sin and rebellion, came into the world. Revelation does not close until we have seen God wiping away all tears and welcoming His redeemed into a home where sin, death, pain and sorrow never come.
        And so we might go on for an hour, contrasting and comparing these two books, but enough has been cited, I trust, to stir each interested believer to study for himself.

A good thing to remember, A better thing to do - work with the construction gang, NOT with the wrecking crew.


2024 / 04 / 17 

TomLeeM at Café Press


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