The Unity Of The 44 Writers by Dr Harry Rimmer
This was copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church in Portsmouth NH. The bulletin is dated 03/10/2024.
The Unity Of The 44 Writers
by Dr. Harry Rimmer
If the Bible were one book written by a single author on one subject, we would naturally expect all of its parts and sections to harmonize and agree. But if it were one book written by 44 men on one subject, the chances of complete unanimity would be very slight. Therefore, to say that 44 men wrote 66 books on 50 different subjects and their words are in complete and perfect agreement leaves the mind too stunned to accept the unbelievable fact! Then we rally and say: "There must have been close collaboration and incessant conference to achieve so remarkable a work! To which history replies, "NO, there was no collaboration. Most of these men never saw each other and had no chance to plan or revise their utterances. The coincidence must be explained some other way!".
The fact cannot be gainsaid: there is complete unity between all the parts and writers of the scriptures. Never, in any single instance or incident, does one writer contradict another. They agree in the most minor and insignificant details. So, the diversity of the Bible only serves to introduce the greater wonder of the unity of the wonderful WORD!
We do well to call the Bible a book, or even The Book. IT is one uniform record, a living, closely knit organization. It is true that both the Old Testament and the New Testament are complete in themselves, but neither is complete without the other. That sounds like a paradox but consider the figure of a tree. Can you separate the roots and the fruit of a tree?
One is the source of the other, and the second becomes the reason for the first. In like manner, the New Testament has its roots in the Old Testament, and the Old Testament comes to fruition in the New Testament, the New is concealed in the New Testament, the Old is revealed"
One thing Brother Rimmer did not say, the Bile was written over a period of time about 1500 years and on three different continent (Asia, Europe and Africa) -
Pastor Don Gum
Amen Corner
"It must be felt that there is no national security but in the nation's humble acknowledge dependence upon God"
John Adams,
2nd president of the United States
"Morality without religion is a tree without roots, a stream without any spring to feed it, a house built on the sand, a pleasant place to live until the heavens grow dark and the storm begins to beat."
J. B. Shaw
"Even if you don't have faith to do it, if it's the right thing to do it, just go ahead and do it anyhow"
Bill Rice
Calvary Baptist Church
472 Ocean Rd
Portsmouth NH 03801
2024 / 03 / 11
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