There Are Only Two Ways To Go

 This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church (error on site indicates 72 instead of the correct address of 472) of Portsmouth NH. The date of the bulletin is 02/04/2024.

There are only two ways to go

As we begin another year, it is hard to believe that the last year is over. We have heard for months how bad things are, and we have found the reporters still reporting that the same things that were troubling America last year are still troubling America today; in some cases things are worse.

The banks and stock markets are doing well, but the rest are still trying to figure out how to make it through to the next payday. If they have a job, and what to do if they do not have a job.

I believe that all of this is caused by our country's relationship with the Lord. When our nation prayed to God, prayed in school, was directed the principles first found in the Bible, families attended church together, people prayed over meals, and so on, we were blessed.

Now our nation's relationship with God has become removed from God. 

Immorality has replaced morality; mutual respect has been replaced by irresponsibility. Marriage has been replaced by couples co-habituating and now has been so far out of line as to include same-sex couples in some states.

The court system has become weak at best. Repeat offenders are let out of prison and do the same offenses over and over again.

While all of this is going on some are saying: "What is wrong?". I'll tell you what is wrong. Every nation that was blessed of God because the nation honored God and developed laws that honored God and punished properly those who didn't, were blessed. But history repeats itself. When those countries turned their backs on God, He removed their blessings, and many were conquered by their enemies.

There are only two ways to go in America. We can continue to ignore God and watch our nation go under as others have, or America can repent and turn back to the principles it was founded on.

In Luke 13:3 and 5, Jesus said, "..except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish". Repent means to have a change of mind. Turn around away from one direction to another. America can do it. It would take a real true spiritual revival among the citizens to accomplish it, but it can be done through Jesus Christ. We need to collectively get on our knees and pray. Here is how it will work, "If we abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you", (John 15:7). 

I believe that it can happen. Do you? 

on a separate note: 

Did you know? : That Jesse James father, Robert James, was a Baptist minister and founder of William Jewell College in Liberty Missouri. 

2024 / 02 / 04


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