A Motive For Personal Holiness

 This is copied from the bulletin of Calvary Baptist Church in Portsmouth NH. The bulletin is dated 01/28/2024. 

A Motive For Personal Holiness. 

Here are two very simple rules for living the Christian life:

    Do no do anything that you would not be glad to have your Lord find you doing if He should come. I have found that one of the simplest rules to satisfy my heart about questions that have perplexed a great many people is to ask yourself "If the Lord should come at this moment, would you like him to find you doing that?". It is simply a wonderful how that clears things up.

    One day a friend of mine was walking up Washington Avenue in Minneapolis thinking about the coming of the Lord. At the same time he was puffing away on a cigar. The thought suddenly came to him, "See here! How would you like the Lord to come and meet you here with this cigar in your mouth!" That was enough. He took the cigar out of his mouth and threw it into the gutter; and never lighted another. Never do anything you would not be glad for the Lord to find you doing if He should come. 

     Never go anywhere that you would not like the Lord to find you if He should come. When I lived in Chicago, I used to get letters from some of the more respectable theatrical managers, telling me that they were putting on some so-called classical play of a very high  order and suggested that they would be very much complimented if I would occupy a box at a the play. Did I go? 

    Well, if that particular thing had not been so clear to me that I didn't to settle it, I would have simply asked myself, "Would you like the Lord to come and find you sitting in a private box at the theater, which the management gave you so they could put in the papers the next day that you were there, and thus encourage somebody else to go?" When the Iroguois Theater burned, among the charred corpses taken out were five minister of my denomination. For my part, I would rather die somewhere else, but it is not death that is held out here; it is the coming of our Lord. I would rather my Lord should find somewhere else if He should come.  

            R.A. Torrey

        The motive that is held out here for this readiness is not of death. It is the infinitely higher motive - THE LORD IS COMING.

        Don Gum

Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.” - Matthew 15:11 (from the King James Online Bible). 

Read the whole chapter; Matthew 15. It shows what this verse is referring to. 


2024 / 01 / 29 


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