Replica Bible Coins?


Replica Bible Coins?

I did an online search for Bible coins or coins that might have been used during Biblical times. I came across a few sites that had replicas of those coins. It seems most sites had them at a reasonable price (being a replica, I didn't really expect a high price). I also found some that were authentic price and not cheap (for another post). I am posting some of those sites as I discover and check them out. 

Museums Replicas Limited - They have six coins for the price of $9.95 for set one. 

Coins of the Bible by Coin Replicas - less a site to sell but more of a site to inform. There are links so one can buy / purchase the coins by clicking on the photo of the coin. I think the price of the replicas might be a little high but too expensive (depending on what one considers expensive). They have a broader site of the replica Bible coins by Coin Replicas

Amazon - This link is for one coin. I think it is neat that it is made in Israel; the land of the Bible. It shows a description of this coin.

I will see if they have any other replica Bible coins. Amazon - replica set 2.

Amazon also has replicas of the 'widows mite' as mentioned in the Bible. I think it would be a great aid in teaching the Bible and the lesson on the widows mite. Some of the items are replicas and some are genuine. 

The above are the ones that I have found so far. I will be looking for other sites for replica Bible coins. Since I like to search for things, it would be fun. As they say 'the journal is half the fun', I think the searching is half the fun plus it is also educational. 

I think having replica Bible coins could also help with teaching the Bible as it would be an aid in teaching. It would give people something to hold while they are being taught about the widows mite and what it means. the Widows Mite of the Bible - King James Bible Online. The Widows Mite of the Bible - Bible Gateway

I want to do a separate post on non-replica Biblical coins or replica coins used during that time period. I think it would be neat to do the research on that subject. 


2023 / 09 / 23


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